Loved Ones Missed

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Benjamin George Dawes 1928-2020

Tracey, Steve & Family

In loving memory of our wonderful Dad and Grandad, who passed away aged 91. Dad(Ben) wrote a book about his life. It tells of when he joined the ATC in 1944 and in 1946 aged 17 1/2 he joined the RAF. After training Dad became a propulsion engineer and was posted firstly to Germany then Egypt and his last posting was Habbaniyah in Iraq. Dad worked on various aircraft and loved to tell us about his days in the Air Force. I have many photographs of him and his pals working and having fun. Dad moved back to Hendon in 1951 where he met Vera (nicknamed Rusty) who worked in the NAAFI. They both loved dancing and within six months they were married in 1952. They were inseparable until Mum passed away in 2008. Dad was unfortunately diagnosed with dementia in 2018 and even up until the end he thought he was still in the RAF and telling me he'd just arrived back from Berlin or Paris. The last time I saw him he asked me to call his CO and let him know he was too ill for duty. Rest in peace Mum and Dad Love Tracey, Steve and family xxx

Benjamin George Dawes 1928-2020